Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Treating Acne Prescription Care Method

Treating Acne Prescription Care Method - It is a known fact that most acne sufferers do not seek professional advice doctor qualified to treat your acne condition. The idea here is to consult a dermatologist, who also serves as dermatologist who you valuable information, advice and tips on how to consult announce to treat your acne.

If your acne condition is moderate and is not serious, then you can go for the kind of drug over-the-counter. But please seek help from a dermatologist if your acne in a difficult position, where he has reached recommend some prescription drugs. However, it is always advisable to go for the prescription method even if your acne is mild, because the prescription method tends to offer much more effective than over-the-counter methods.

There are basically two types of treatments for acne care formulation, ie, antibiotics and ointments. Antibiotics are generally control agent for use against acne, and can be used as a kind of lotion or be used orally. Requirements ointment ingredients like zinc or retinoid.

Tetracycline is the antibiotic most commonly used to treat your acne condition. What is tetracycline kill bacteria that cause acne, and also helps to reduce inflammation, can cause acne. One thing that you know about the antibiotic treatment is that it can take several weeks or months, to see the effect. Not only that, you should consider antibiotic treatment continue, even after your acne has disappeared.

Like other drugs are the side effects of tetracycline antibiotics. The overall sensitivity of the skin to sunlight is increased, leading to severe sunburn, if you stay in the sun for an extended period. Other possible side effects include dizziness and upset stomach.

Antibiotic ointments have fewer complications usually compared to oral antibiotics. They are very useful when it comes to killing bacteria that cause acne. Ointments, when in conjunction with other treatments such as benzoyl peroxide is used, no bacteria can confer resistance to antibiotics.

Derivative of vitamin A, retinoids are used directly on the skin, such as creams or lotions. Retinoid drugs are particularly useful for the treatment of blackheads by opening clogged pores. The only common side effect of retinoid is that you experience dry skin.

If your condition is so severe acne that does not respond to antibiotics, whether or ointments, oral retinoid your next option. What oral retinoid does is make the upper skin peeling, and the coating process more open pores. Retinoids can also use the body to produce excess sebum, an oily substance that is responsible for oily skin.

Retinoids with caution be used because we know that the side effects and serious complications that comes with this type of retinoid. They can cause birth defects if a woman takes during pregnancy. Other complications include depression and liver damage. So if an acne sufferer is the treatment of oral retinoids, medical care and regular monitoring is required to ensure that the side effects and complications are minimized.

If you are not sure about the reliability of over-the-counter medications and always seek the advice of your dermatologist, who can give you recipes reliably, and other tips for caring treatment of the most effective skin for your particular condition acne.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Acne Quick Tips

Quick Acne Tip 1: razor can not shave as close to the skin; However, they help in preventing outbreaks of acne and other skin and best buds.

Quick Acne Tip 2: If a non-electric razor is your choice, a single-edged blade is actually better. Why? Since the double-edged blade and triple enter the hair follicles and burst under the skin. And in the process, your skin "heals" by closing over these holes, making it difficult to grow for future hair follicles outward - creating inflammation in the tight areas.

Quick Tips Acne 3: Clean the face and other areas where they apply all cosmetics day, especially when absorbed in connection with the exercise of other activities to promote sweating, where there is an opportunity for the chemicals or used absorbed into the pores.

Quick Acne Tips 4: Cosmetics - To pore clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and can avoid contributing to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil" Shimmering facial colors can. contain a flaky mineral mica that cause skin irritations and can clog pores. Other additives that can cause similar reactions in coloration, are coal tar derivatives, carmine and cream blush.

Acne Quick Tips 5: More preventive measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of clogging glossy for less pore; see how the brightness, rather than the comedogenic content and the more clogged pores. Note that eye creams can heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions contain, means that they have a greater potential to clog pores around the face.

Quick Tips Acne 6: Be careful also included with styling products that contain oils, alcohol and adhesives that are handled by the skin, and penetrates into the pores and sweat during exercise; especially watch hair gels and mousses so they do not become clogged around the scalp. Be careful in the selection of fragrances and fragrance cosmetics, also, and select the option "unscented" if possible to avoid allergic reactions and irritation "hypoallergenic" or the skin (a test sample 3 days in one ear is recommended).

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne - Acne is an inflammatory skin disease, the. By certain biological variation pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and sebaceous gland connection) caused skin The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris" usually appears during adolescence known.

Acne caused by excess oil in the human body. Skin glands excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicle by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of fatty foods, suffer from this problem.

Because acne affected parts of the human body. Some of them are the face, arms, and so on to create oil secretions behind the blocked pores an ideal environment for uncontrolled multiplication of bacteria in the skin environment. In response, inflamed skin, causing the visible lesion (acne). Eruption occurred in the body. Face, arms, back and chest are particularly affected by acne.

Some acne lesions are blackish or whitish elevations and / or small pale yellow bumps. More inflamed rashes in the form of tender swelling or red bumps bring like cooking. After solving the points may remain prominent unsightly acne scars.

The acne condition during puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone reaction usual. Acne occurs when the hormones increase due to excess body fat. However, there is no way to predict how long acne disappear completely or are never repeated again.

Acne affects a large proportion of people at any stage of life. Apart from traces to leave scars, it has psychological effects as a source of stress and depression. Therefore, acne should not be neglected and should be treated with the utmost care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.