by : Mohd Izahan
Facial pimples are the worst to get. Perhaps one of the most unsightly and uncomfortable areas for pimples is on the lips. They often resemble cold sores and sometimes they may be big that everyone can notice them. Pimple on lip is not only an ugly feature but it is very painful as the skin on the lip region is comparatively thinner and more sensitive to any treatment.However, these pimples can often also make it difficult to eat or talk if they become large and painful enough. Pimple on lip are very important indicator of an unbalanced and insufficient diet levels. Stress levels, drugs and hormones can cause lip pimples as well. It's can be very noticeable and a nightmare if you have a date that day!
But how to get rid of lip pimples? The best way to eliminate pimple on lip is by eliminating the causes and using an effective wash and pimples treatment.
There are a few tips to prevent pimple on lip and keep it under control:
1. As with acne treatment anywhere on your face, pimples on lip can also be prevented by adopting a routine cleansing process.
2. Avoid touching your face as often as possible because will be spreading germs around your face
3. If the lip pimples are really painful and swollen, try applying a little ice on it every 30 minutes. This will help in reducing the swelling.
4. Avoid wearing any lip gloss or lipstick till the lip pimples is gone because it will only clog the pores and worsen the condition.
5. Avoid smoking and keep away from caffeine products and beverages.
6. Topical antibiotics can be applied to the affected areas of the lip to fight pimples.
Popping your pimples is a fast way to relieve from pimples. Only whiteheads and blackheads should be popped. Always use sterile products and make sure you hands are washed before you pop your lip pimples.
There is no reason to have a pimple on lip or any other facial pimples. If you want to get rid of lip pimples, you need to use these recommended treatments. Treat pimples perils with patience and care and they will surely leave you in time.
Get more tips about pimples here, Get Rid of Pimple
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