Monday, June 29, 2015

Regardingteens whole truth with acne

Regardingteens whole truth with acne - Teenagers are the most common age group suffering from acne. Androgens, a hormone that begins production at puberty, is a major cause of acne. Unfortunately for men, they tend to produce more androgens and develop more severe acne than females. Other oils that contribute to acne, also produced at puberty. These oils are mixed with dirt and dead skin cause the clogging of pores that cause acne. Some women go all the time of their monthly period. This is caused by hormonal changes during menstruation. Fortunately for women with hormonal contraception outbreaks can help a constant level of hormones to keep.

A common misconception about teens with acne is that they have poor hygiene or eating lots of fatty foods. This is just a myth, and proves to be true for most people. Wash your face twice a day, especially after exercise to get rid of excess oil. Avoid strong soaps that can irritate the skin and damage. Do not take your face as this can cause further irritation and scars for life.

Stress can be a cause of acne for teens. Unfortunately, this is inevitably a stressful life phase. Teenagers with acne suffer the emotional aspect of acne as well as the physical aspect. Your face is the first thing most people see when they search. Low self-esteem is a problem that almost all young people will be faced with acne. Depression in acne can cause withdrawal from social interactions, decreased school attendance, and overall avoidance of family and friends. Some teens develop social anxiety that can interfere with all aspects of daily life

Some teens with acne decide to purchase topical cleansers stores start for the first time to develop acne. Sensitive skin do not react well with most over-the-counter treatments. It can cause itching, redness, burning, and the general worsening of the condition. If the acne does not go away after a few weeks of use, you should consult a dermatologist. Can he/she prescribe a more effective antibiotic that is more tailored to individual problem. The skin around the world so different, so that there is more than an attempt to find out what is good for you.

Proposed common treatments for teens with acne are benzoyl peroxide and retinoids. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that cause acne and is used topically. Retinoids as Accutaine or Roaccutane, unclog pores and helps the process of skin renewal. There side effects of using retinoids, such as depression, if the use is closely monitored by a dermatologist.

Acne is not the end of the world. It is quite normal and so common that people do not really look down on others for not having perfect skin. Some teens with acne grow out of it before graduation. Others grow out of it until they reach adulthood. Almost all cases of acne can be effectively treated, and when happen to make acne scars, there are treatments available to build the softness of the skin.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Acne treatment with EFAs

Acne treatment with EFAs - Although scientists do not fully understand the cause of acne, the role of essential fatty acids in the body, including the skin, the term reasonable. This understanding has led scientists and natural health experts look at the effects and benefits of essential fatty acids for skin conditions like acne.

Udo Erasmus is a writer with graduate studies in genetics and biochemistry and a PhD in nutrition. He believes that there deficiencies and nutritional problems that could cause or worsen acne can, though not as easily as usual in chocolate!

Central to his belief is that "hard fats and dirt pores (hard) protein and obstruct narrow channels in our skin and invite infection by bacteria that feed on the confusion." (P346)

He believes that acne is the result of "fatty degeneration". Factors in this are:

1. Fats associated with poor protein
2. Too much fat "hard"
3. insufficient EFAs

Records are also unsaturated fatty acids as fat. These fats are found in most foods, including animal fats and dairy products. Its name comes from the fact that the fat molecules carry as many hydrogen molecules they can. This is the way these fats act in our bodies important. Some of these saturated fats have a high melting point, such as butter and milk fat.

An excess can cause problems for our arteries and heart health.

The fatty acids, essential non-essential nature, can be found be found in our cell membranes. These membranes are skin. Erasmus describes the properties of saturated fatty acids and a tendency to stick. And because they, they are more likely to clump together and form deposits when we consume too much a higher melting point. Therefore, they are more difficult for the body to get rid of. And particle boards, they can be grouped into other things, such as proteins, minerals and cholesterol. Too much sugar can be a problem because our body converts excess sugar into saturated fatty acids.

Other problems with excess saturated fatty acids include the fact that the body of unsaturated fatty acids, which can then be oxidized, if not sufficiently to convert fatty acids.

Saturated fat can prevent oxygen into our cells, to reduce the oxygen to our tissues, the production of blood cells, the oxygen-carrying stick together and thus this vital transportation system which normally carries.

Excess fat, including excess saturated fat, stored in fat cells in the skin. These are the fat deposits.

Erasmus recommends consuming W3 essential fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid) and W6 (flax and linoleic acid) in the correct proportions.

Essential fatty acids are for the receiver-hydrogen bonds. This feature changes the way the molecules are by the way they are structured. And that is the other form, a curved shape, which means that they do not with the affinity that saturated fats do agglomerate. And they also have a melting point below - so they are also more liquid. Because of this difference in structure, but also a slight molecular negative charge, and because like charges repel, this is another reason not grouped. Erasmus characterizes these properties provide as unsaturated fats "Flow" to cell membranes. He says to cells play an important chemical functions.

Inflammation is a feature of acne with a lack of essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid or LNA connected. Erasmus wrote that if the inflammation is not a classical symptom of LNA, when people alpha-linolenic acid supplements, this symptom can be reversed.

Essential fatty acids as a group are strongly anti-inflammatory. Another essential fatty acid linoleic acid (LA) corresponds especially to acne. If there is a lack of linoleic oil glands of the skin's sebum, which are mixed with oleic acid. Oleic acid is found in butter fat and land animals. However, too much, which may interfere with the use of essential fatty acids. But most importantly suffer for acne, sebum is mixed with oleic acid to irritate the skin. It is suitable for blockages that result in acne, blackheads pore.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tips adult acne care

Tips adult acne care - Acne affects almost everyone, at least for part of their lives. It is common in adolescence, when it acts much until late adulthood. It makes a lot of disturbance and at times it can cause depression and low self-esteem. The most affected by acne person, wash the affected area frequently, try different soaps and other home remedies rather than reducing acne may get worse. After a few tips to control acne.

Ask yourself if you are affected with acne your dermatologist. Do not wait to aggravate acne. Many of the medications available to treat moderate acne mild, such as benzoyl peroxide lotion lotion acne salicylic acid acne lotion triclosan, chlorhexidine gluconate acne lotion etc. Benzoyl peroxide is considered the best in the counter product. However, it should be noted that self-medication can be dangerous and is advisable to consult a physician before medication.

Do not wash too often affected because it reduces the area of ​​skin oil. The blockade is the cause of acne is, to be washed too deeply into. Lucas hot water is more suitable for washing the skin. The hot water is avoided.

Changing soap frequently is a sure way to aggravate acne. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer acne goes a long way in the fight against acne.

There is no magic cure for acne. Which is required to develop the habit of acne after the start of treatment of acne subsidization time is 4 to 6 weeks. The results visible after 2 weeks. It is important to follow a career in medicine and patiently for the results. It is advisable to apply to continue funding the lotion after acne acne for at least a week.

Acuzine take dietary supplements to be beneficial for the skin and body. Its ingredients are antioxidants, vitamin E and C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The effect of these components is to strengthen the skin.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Treatment of acne How to fight against bacteria

Treatment of acne How to fight against bacteria - Acne is a disease of inflamed skin and has many causes. One cause of this type is a bacterium that grows in the pores of the skin. When the body's immune system is weak, it will be allergic to this type of bacteria. Blood cells are attracted to fight the allergy, and the pores are clogged. Oil secretions begin to accumulate in the pores and a breeding ground for bacteria further. Finally, the buttons are formed.

When faced with a bacteria causing the acne, chances are you'll start to panic. Imagine if you have similar red bumps that small boils on the face. These red bumps filledl a nasty pussy caused by bacteria by the body's fight against infection. What can you do? Well, there are a number of things that you can do to fight against bacteria, for the treatment of acne.

Treatments that kill the bacteria that cause acne included the use of antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline and minocyclne. This should be taken orally. As topical antibiotics or bactericides like Benzoyl peroxide or erythromycin can help. The also known as "P. acnes" bacteria but is sometime resistant to antibiotics. However, benzoyl peroxide, do not seem to produce an oxidant bacterial resistance. While the acne will come back, is that short-term and temporary cure and is applied topically.

Gently exfoliates the skin may also help. This method can be performed using a wash cloth or a liquid, or by the use of certain chemicals. chemical peels materials include salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Both agents cause detachment of the top layer of skin, causing the accumulation of dead skin.

Another acne treatment is salicylic acid which softens the skin and removes dead skin cells, which in turn clogged pores. Many face wash products contain this ingredient. Also sulfur contained in many over the counter products works well for many people. Another product is glycolic acid, which can be found in anti-aging and anti-acne drugs.

However, natural health professionals prefer to recommend the use of a natural acne treatment. The tea tree oil is gaining popularity. Bacteria is killed and reduces redness and inflammation as well. It works like benzoyl peroxide, caused but less skin irritation. T trea oil can be easily found in health food stories.

Acupuncture is used by some and is thought to alleviate hormonal imbalances in the body. Those who use acupuncture also usually suggest lifestyle changes and a change in diet, including cuts in dairy products.

Light therapy is another natural to fight the bacteria that has many followers means. Many people believe that the bacteria that causes the immune blue wavelength of the light spectrum acne to shine. Light therapy means shining blue light on a patient for 15 minutes to an hour twice a week, usually for four weeks. This treatment can be fresh, running about $ 150 per treatment. Not all patients had good results, but some have. In addition, since light in this wavelength is not harmful to the skin, with no side effects or after effects.

Some people think that acne caused by poor hygiene and by eating certain foods. There is no scientific evidence that diet for acne. But a good diet sure will not repair in the skin and injuring damaged tissues.

Good personal hygiene is also a long way in the treatment of acne. Even with makeup that does not clog the pores does not help to prevent the spread of bacteria and aggravate acne.

All above-mentioned methods for the treatment of acne, should help in the fight against bacteria. You will see a lighter skin than your bacterium is threatened with extinction. Good hygiene and a healthy diet and lifestyle should also contribute to acne inflammation. Good Luck!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The pill against acne

The pill against acne - Anyone who has had a discussion with acne, you probably know that there is a wide range of products, all claiming to quickly and efficiently get rid get acne. Unfortunately, there is simply no magic bullet that will cure all the ills of acne. More often than not, a person should suffer from acne try to taste a variety of products that will find something that really works with them. It can be a to go long and frustrating road back down.

There are a number of factors in determining which causes acne in some people. Cleansing the skin is a factor which is important, but not the main cause. By experiencing outbreaks, is important to prevent a clean and moisturized face that further attacks but has a completely clean face at any time does not guarantee that during this period free of acne. Diet is another factor largely ignored, which is important when it comes to a clear complexion. Food and beverages a person consumes has a direct impact on what is excreted through the skin. If someone has a diet rich in fat, sugar and preservatives, they are much more likely to suffer outbreaks.

Another important factor that causes acne an imbalance of hormones in the human body. Hormonal imbalances that cause acne in humans are mainly more or less through the body sebum. Sebum is a substance to lubricate in the sebaceous glands that normally produced by the body and protect the skin against the environment. If it is producing too much or too little of this sebum, the pores and hair follicles can become dry and irritated, leading to outbreaks. Acne problems for women when there is an overproduction of androgens or too sensitive to a natural level of organization of these androgens. Another imbalance may be under-production of estrogen; the chemical in women that counteracts the effects of androgens. Birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin chemicals that are known in the maintenance of normal hormonal agents.

Progestin is a pill that contains a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone. It is both useful and harmful, when it comes to skin acne. It is advantageous in that it binds to progesterone maintain normal sebum production, but are also known to cause the body to retain more water than usual, which can lead to bloating and blocked hair follicle pores. The pill prevents the formation of excess androgens by reducing the amount in the blood and blocking the receptors, or sebaceous glands. Therefore, the pill can be so effective in preventing acne in many women.

How acne products, there are a variety of birth control pills manufactured and manufactured for a variety of physical body. To get on the pill, a woman should first consult a doctor to find out what the best type for your needs. The pills come in a variety of brands and ingredients and diversity in a number of strengths. A doctor will be more useful to determine what is the appropriate type. If you are a woman suffering from acne, you can benefit from research on the use of birth control to help combat future outbreaks of acne pills.